How a Dietitian Can Help with Acid Reflux, GERD, & LPR

Acid reflux, also known as heartburn or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), is a common digestive disorder that affects millions of individuals worldwide. 

The symptoms include:

  • Pain or Burning sensation in the chest or throat 

  • Throat pain, soreness, or a globulous sensation in the throat

  • Feeling as if food gets stuck in your throat 

  • Post nasal drip and coughing, or excessive mucus production

  • Abdominal pain, nausea, or pain underneath the rib cage 

  • Regurgitation

  • Difficulty swallowing

While there are several approaches to managing acid reflux, seeking the guidance of a registered dietitian can help you find personalized solutions and achieve long-term relief.

Understanding Acid Reflux and Its Triggers

Acid reflux occurs when the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) weakens or relaxes inappropriately, allowing stomach acid to flow back into the esophagus. This acidic content irritates the delicate lining of the esophagus, leading to the uncomfortable symptoms we associate with acid reflux. It is also important to note that everybody can have different triggers, and these triggers can change over time. 

Common triggers for acid reflux may include:

  • Certain Foods: Spicy, fatty, acidic, or fried foods can aggravate symptoms. However, food itself is often not the cause of your symptoms. It is important to avoid these foods during your healing phase. After a period of healing and tissue repair, you and your dietitian can find personalized ways to bring some of your favorite foods back into your diet. 

  • Beverages: Coffee, alcohol, and carbonated beverages are known to trigger acid reflux. I recommend limiting alcohol as much as possible, drinking low-acid coffee, and stirring your carbonated beverages w/ ice prior to drinking to reduce the bubbles. 

  • Overeating: Large meals can put pressure on the stomach, forcing stomach acid upward. I recommend eating a balanced breakfast, lunch, and afternoon snack to allow for a lighter dinner, ideally 3 hours before bed. Incorporating an afternoon snack can help prevent overeating at dinner.

  • Smoking: Nicotine can relax the LES, contributing to reflux.

  • Slouching or Lying Down After Eating: This can allow stomach acid to flow more easily into the esophagus. I recommend sitting upright or incorporating a light walk after eating, and most importantly - to not lay down until about 3 hours after eating. 

  • Stress: Often, acid reflux symptoms worsen due to an imbalance of the nervous system. Finding ways to ease your nervous system can help alleviate many poor digestive symptoms through the mind-gut connection. The FLORA app has daily 5-minute meditations to help you decrease stress and stop acid reflux symptoms.

The Role of a Dietitian in Managing Acid Reflux

A dietitian is a board-certified healthcare professional with expertise in nutrition and its impact on health conditions, including acid reflux and GERD. By collaborating with a dietitian, you gain access to personalized guidance and strategies tailored to your unique needs and triggers/symptoms. Dietitians can offer nutrition advice and counseling, whereas nutritionists do not have the credentials to do so. Often, dietitians and nutritionists are terms used interchangeably, yet there is quite a difference as dietitians offer medical counseling and nutrition guidance. 

Here are some ways a dietitian can support you in managing acid reflux:

  • Dietary Assessment: A dietitian will conduct a comprehensive assessment of your current eating habits, identifying potential triggers and areas for improvement.

  • Customized Meal Plans: Based on the assessment, a dietitian can help you design personalized meal plans that focus on minimizing reflux triggers while ensuring balanced nutrition.

  • Identifying Trigger Foods: Through careful monitoring and guidance, a dietitian can help you identify specific foods and beverages that exacerbate your acid reflux, allowing you to make informed choices.

  • Portion Control: A dietitian will provide personalized and realistic portion control strategies, preventing overeating and reducing pressure on the stomach.

  • Lifestyle Modifications: Apart from dietary changes, a dietitian can suggest lifestyle modifications, such as adjusting meal timings and elevating your head while sleeping, to alleviate symptoms. A major part of any gut healing journey is focusing on nervous system support and stress management. Dietitians can help clients find ways to alleviate symptoms due to stress. 

  • Support and Accountability: Regular consultations with a dietitian offer ongoing support, encouragement, and accountability, crucial for maintaining healthy eating habits and managing acid reflux successfully.

The Benefits of One-on-One Services with a Dietitian

One-on-one services with a dietitian provide a unique set of advantages, as it offers personalized nutrition care to accommodate your lifestyle and needs. Everybody’s acid reflux journey is different, and it is crucial that each and every case is individually looked at. 

  • Expert Knowledge: Dietitians possess in-depth knowledge of nutrition and medical conditions, providing evidence-based recommendations that go beyond generic advice from your provider. 

  • Motivation and Guidance: Having a dedicated professional to guide and support you throughout your journey can enhance motivation and increase your chances of success. Weekly meetings with your dietitian can help keep you on track, as well as track any changes in symptoms/triggers. 

  • Adaptation and Flexibility: As your needs change, a dietitian can adjust your plan accordingly, ensuring continued progress and relief.

Acid reflux can significantly impact your daily life, but with the help of a registered dietitian, you can take charge of your symptoms and find relief through personalized dietary and lifestyle modifications. The healing process far extends the food you eat. By understanding your triggers and making informed choices, you can experience significant improvements in your acid reflux symptoms. If you're ready to take the first step towards a healthier, reflux-free life, you can book your initial session with FLORA Nutrition today. Our one-on-one services can be the catalyst for transforming your relationship with food and bringing back comfort and joy to your everyday experiences. Don't hesitate to reach out ( and start your journey towards acid reflux management today.

Written by Molly Pelletier, MS, RD, LDN | Molly Pelletier is a Registered Dietitian specializing in acid reflux/GERD/LPR/IBS and a leading voice in nutrition for acid reflux. Molly's background in nutrition science and her personal health journey with GERD culminated in the curation of FLORA Nutrition, where she shares evidence-based tools and strategies to help others recover from reflux and optimize their overall well-being. Follow Molly on Social Media @mollypelletier.rd on all platforms | YouTube | Instagram | TikTok | Pinterest

Blog co-created with FLORA Team Member & MS Nutrition, Jacqueline Gilpin


What To Do if You Have Acid Reflux: Essential First Steps 


Mastering Mealtime with GERD: How to Eat to Prevent Acid Reflux